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As we begin a new school year with enthusiasm & optimism, we look forward to providing band & orchestra students with opportunities to help them learn and grow musically, academically, and socially.
The MHS Band & Orchestra Boosters plans events & activities that the school does not otherwise fund. To provide these experiences, we depend on volunteerism & monetary donations.
Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to your student’s community and allows you to get to know your student’s friends & their families.
Your donations are very much appreciated and thoughtfully utilized. Traditionally, the MHS Band & Orchestra Boosters helps fund activities such as guest clinicians, Solo & Ensemble accompanists, travel subsidies, composer commissions, summer camp scholarships. This year, we would like to do even more for our students by funding more scholarships, visiting clinicians, and social activities for the students.
Please don’t hesitate to contact any of the board members or instructors if you have questions!
We look forward to working with you.