1. Marching Band Registration -- Due 4/12
Registration for next year's marching band is due next Friday! Don't miss out! Leadership applications are due the day before registration closes (Thursday 4/11).
2. Jazz Tracs -- 4/19, 7:30pm
Don't miss the annual spring jazz concert on Friday, April 19. Show starts at 7:30pm. Students: don't miss your last two jazz rehearsals on April 8 and 15.
3. Summer Camp Registrations - due May 15th.
4. Color Guard Intro Sessions -- next week
April 8, 9, 10, and 11 from 4:30-6:00 pm. If you're considering color guard next year, make sure you attend! It's not a commitment - you can just check it out. Wear clothes to move in. Can't make it? Contact our color guard coach Kasey Graff, at graffkasey@yahoo.com
5. Marching Percussion Intro Sessions -- Thursdays
April 4 and April 11 from 7:00-9:00 pm. If you're planning to play any percussion instrument in next year's marching band, show up with your sticks/mallets. Can't make it? Contact our percussion coach, Patrick Coughlin at prcoughlin@uwalumni.com
6. Spring Band Concerts -- May 7th/8th
Our end-of-year band concerts are coming quickly! Both concerts start at 7:30. Student report time is 6:50.
Tuesday, May 7 - Cardinal Band, Concert Band, Chamber Winds
Wednesday, May 8 - Symphonic Band, Chamber Winds, and senior recognition
7. Memorial Day Observances -- May 27th
Our annual Memorial Day performances take place from about 8:00 am-1:15 pm in Cross Plains and Ashton. All band students are expected to participate; a make-up assignment is available for those unable to attend. Students should log 6 service learning hours.
8. WSMA State Honors Congrats
Congratulations to the 23(!) MHS music students who qualified for the WSMA state honors ensembles - more than double any other school in the state!
Michael Ver Voort