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1/24/24 - Band Updates (Solo & Ensemble!)

1. Pep Band - TOMORROW NIGHT (1/25)

Remaining dates for this semester are 2/2 and 2/9.  Remember that you need to attend a total of 3 games, including one in each semester.

2.  Local Solo & Ensemble - THIS SATURDAY (1/27)

Get excited for our local solo & ensemble festival this Saturday!  Double check the  schedule here.  Parents, consider  volunteering for a room monitor shift - it really helps the day run a little smoother, and you get to listen to some great music through the door.

3. Jazz Bands Open Rehearsal - Monday 1/29

Come hear the jazz bands play the music that they had prepared for Jazz Cabaret! (canceled two weeks ago due to weather).  Each band plays at their regular rehearsal time (6:00 or 7:30).

4. 2024-25 Band Information

A few notes about signing up for band next year:

  • Regardless of which band you hope to participate in, sign up for "Band" on your selection sheet.

  • We have three bands for grades 10-12: Chamber Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Winds, Concert Band.  Some students looking for more rigor choose to audition for Chamber or Symphonic; others with many competing demands on their time opt not to audition and to participate multiple years in Concert Band.

  • NEW: Students in all four bands can choose to earn embedded honors credit next year.

  • Schedules at MHS can be very tight with many required courses and few slots for electives.  If you are struggling to fit band into your schedule for next year, please reach out.  We have helped problem-solve for many high-achieving students.

  • Conversely, if your schedule is more open for next year (common for rising seniors) and you're looking for more music in your schedule, consider Advanced Music (AP Theory), Digital Music Production, or even student tutoring band (talk to Mr. Rothacker).

5. WSMA State Honors Auditions Saturday 2/3

Check the schedule  here if you signed up to audition.  (You should have also received an email from WSMA.)

6. WSMA District Solo & Ensemble Saturday 2/10

First draft of the schedule coming soon from Mr. Kurr!


Michael Ver Voort

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