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10/17/23 - Marching Band Updates

Hello everyone,

Firstly, a HUGE congratulations to everyone for their hard work over the season and your performance at state! The band placed 4th with a first-division award and a best color guard caption! A big thank you to seniors who are graduating after this season; it has been a pleasure to work with you over the last few years.

Please see below for some end-of-season updates and information!

Student End of Season Celebration - 10/20 @ 5 pm

We'll have some pizza for everyone, time to hang out, and some student-chosen awards to hand out! We'll be in the North Commons!

Football Playoff Game - 10/20 @ 6:20 pm

We'll be supporting our football team in their run for playoffs this Friday, playing pep band music. We will NOT be performing our competitive show and will only be playing pep band music during the night. Please feel free to wear whatever you'd like. Warm clothes and cardinal colors are ideal! We'll swing over after the end-of-season celebration!

Additional Colorguard Opportunity

Montage Color Guard is holding auditions for their indoor Color Guard

Saturday, Oct. 21st, and Saturday, Oct. 28th from 10 - 3 pm at...

St. Paul's Lutheran

East Troy, WI

2665 North Street

Thank you and looking forward...

One last thank you to all of our staff, students, and parent volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the season to make this activity happen. If you'd like additional photos/videos taken during the season, please head over to our photography website linked HERE. We'll see everyone Friday; thanks for a great season, and hope to see you next season!

-- Eric Rothacker

Music Teacher & Band Director

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