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2/7/24 - Important Updates

Reminders about a few upcoming events and deadlines:

1. WSMA District Solo/Ensemble THIS SATURDAY 2/10

2. New Orleans Tour Forms DUE THIS FRIDAY 2/9

See the previous email for details.  (Sent to whatever email you used to register for the trip)

3. Final Pep Band THIS FRIDAY 2/9

Remember that our final pep band of the season is Friday night!  All pep bands and make-ups must be in by the end of the week.  (You need 3 total for the year.)  Need a last-minute make-up?  Consider:

  • Volunteering at WSMA District Solo & Ensemble this Saturday.

  • Attending the Verona Area Concert Band concert this Thursday night, or any other classical or jazz concert in the community.  (Take a printed program and complete the write-up in Google Classroom.)

  • Emailing Mr. Rothacker immediately about a Friday ASR make-up.


Michael Ver Voort

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