Hey everyone-
It is concert season once again, and almost winter break! A few reminders about the week:
1. Monday Combined 9th Grade Rehearsal - 9th-grade band students have a combined rehearsal during 6th block tomorrow to put together the concert pieces. Students in 7th block will report to 6th block for band class. If they have pre-arranged with a teacher, they can go to their missed class during their normal band period that day.
2. Concerts! - Remember that Cardinal Band (9th grade) and Concert Band Block 1 students perform on Wednesday 12/14. Concert Band Block 2, Percussion Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, and the Honors Wind Ensemble perform on Thursday. Report time for students at both concerts is 6:50, and the program will start at 7:30. Click here for concert dress information.
3. Concert Receptions - If you can, please sign up to bring a dozen cookies or bars for receptions after the concerts on Wednesday and Thursday. Sign up here for Wednesday's concert. Sign up here for Thursday's concert. Thank you!
4. Jazz Cabaret Tickets on sale - Tickets for the January 13th jazz cabaret went on sale last week. The order form is attached to this email and must be mailed or dropped off at the designated address. They cannot be turned in at school. Tickets are highly limited and sell out every year, so get your forms in right away!
5. Final NYC Payment Due Wednesday - Final payments for NYC are due on Wednesday. Check this spreadsheet for thefinal balance. Write checks to MHS BOPA and turn in in the band room. Please also turn in your medical forms (check the previous email).
6. Fruit Sale Success - Congratulations to everyone on a successful fruit sale! Thank you to everyone who sold fruit and helped at Delivery Day, and special thanks to Brad Nordhaus, Krysia Brown, Claudia Lewis, Joan Tillett, and Rhonda Thompson for their organization.
We're almost there, everyone... have a great week!
Mike Ver Voort and Doug Brown
Michael Ver Voort
Music Teacher
Middleton High School
(608) 829-9680
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