Parents and Students,
Delivery Day is upon us this Saturday. If you are volunteering, please make sure you know what time slot you have signed up for. Meet in the Student Center to check in. Parents MORE volunteer positions were added because we have sold much more this year as we had to add more student volunteers, too. Please visit to sign up if you can help supervise.
Picking Up Orders Order payment/pick up takes place from 8:30 am - 11:30 am for orders under $800. Please bring your checks made payable to MHS BOPA but don’t fill out the amount until we can verify the total with you at the registration/payment table where you will start the process. Our committee and volunteers have gone through your order forms SIX times to check for mistakes, and there were many.
Those who have orders totaling more than $800, please come to pay for and pick up your order starting at 10:00 am. We will set aside your order before you arrive.
If there are extra boxes of fruit, we will be selling them before and after concerts next week. Please bring either cash or checks if you would like more.
Thank you everyone for your hard work in making this a huge success. We definitely sold more than last year and final results will be shared in early January.
Best wishes, The Fruit Sale Committee and Band & Orchestra teachers