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December 7, 2018 - Fruit Sale Delivery Day this Saturday, Dec. 8!

Hello Students and Parents.  This is a friendly reminder that the fruit will be delivered TOMORROW to MHS. We had a very succssful Fruit Sale this year grossing about $11,000 more than last year! Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work. Volunteers Needed:        1) We need 20 more parents to sign up!!!! Even if you can’t stay the entire shift, please consider helping out and just note in the comments on the Sign Up Genius when you can be there. Keep in mind that we will take turns with supervising loading orders outside so people can warm up so do let signing up for that position discourage you. Please visit      2) Students should look for a sign up outside the band and orchestra rooms to sign up. Students over the years have really enjoyed this teamwork experience so please sign up as we will need as many people as possible. Fruit Pickup:  Please arrive between 8:30am - 11:30am unless your order is over $800, then please come no earlier than 10:00 am 1) Bring ONE check for the grand total of all your orders made out to ‘MHS BOPA’.  2) Park on the street (NOT in the bus lane!!).  3) Come through Door 4 (front of MHS) to pay for your order and get your original order form(s).  4) After your order is filled, get your card & park in the bus lane  5) We’ll help you load your car! Important: Products need to be refrigerated if you are not delivering right away. Products cannot be stored in vehicles or garages during cold weather!  6) Deliver your orders Thank you for your support. The 2018 Fruit Sale Committee, BOPA & MHS Directors

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