Dinner, Concert and Auction. April 7, 2018. 4:30 to 8:00 pm.
PLEASE sign up to WORK, ONE SLOT….. Please !!!
We RELY upon PARENTS to make this a GREAT NIGHT !! Sign Up HERE to HELP/work.
More info: https://www.middletonbandorchestra.org/ (Click on SPRING concert, Supper….) Questions: MHSBOPASpringSupper@gmail.com
Also…. Online Tickets. https://www.middletonbandorchestra.org/events-2/spring-concert-supper-auction
Printable Tickets. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/649d91_676f947d44ae4ee8bb416eab017cc267.pdf
Kim Mackey Chair, 2018 Spring Supper & Auction.