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October 25, 2019 - Tickets to Wynton Marsalis and JLCO at Overture Center

Hello band parents and students,

We have just found out that there are a limited number of $14 tickets (normally $40-$97) available to students whose schools are affiliated with the Essentially Ellington program.  We strongly encourage jazz students to take advantage of this offer - the concert is going to be absolutely incredible.

What: Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis

Where: Overture Center, Madison

When: Wednesday, November 13th, 7:30 pm

Who: All MHS band students

How:  Buy tickets at using the promo code [sent via the Campus Messenger- it will not be published on the website].  You will need to create a login, and you can buy up to four tickets.  They are general admission for the circle or mezzanine.

The news just came out an hour ago, so we recommend buying tickets right away if you are interested.  I expect that these student tickets will sell out quickly.

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